Justus Orthodontics Review

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May 14, 2017 | Posted by E.M.

When I first came to Justus Orthodontics I thought It was gonna be exactly like it is when I am at the dentist. By that I mean people with straight faces the whole time stabbing at my gums and calling it a day, however I thought wrong. I also thought that getting braces was going to be the worst experience of my life, everyone I knew who had braces told me it had hurt so much I saw it on social media as well. However my friends who had told me braces hurt so much have never been to Justus Orthodontics, they didn't get to experience that I had. The first day that I walked in it had felt like a very comfortable environment. The wonderful team of ladies , have a interest in the clients life and connect with one another and never have I witness a patient leave without a smile on their face. A beautiful smile was my biggest confidence booster I am glad that my mom had chosen Justus Orthodontics and not any other place.